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Knowing about User Research - the UX Design method

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Explain the term - User Research


User Research Techniques

User research techniques encompass a wide range of methods and approaches used to gather insights and data about users, their behaviors, needs, and preferences. These techniques are crucial in informing the design and development of user-centered digital products.

This can be conducted without users. However, owing to budget and timescale constraints, it is quite common for service organizations to perform user research without involving users. The following techniques are adopted:

Explaining the term - Requirements Capture Workshops

Steps to be followed :

1. Gather data from users: Do not restrict the definition of users to the actual users of the product. Instead, widen the scope to include a sample that represents each stakeholder.

2. Analyze data to understand user needs: Use statistical techniques to optimize the data into manageable chunks. This will make it easier to analyze and derive insights.

3. Convert user needs into requirements: Once the steps mentioned is completed, it is pretty straightforward to elicit requirements from the hierarchical task analysis. One can then make a list of functional and non-functional requirements.

4. Prioritization: Collaboratively prioritize the ideas and requirements generated during ideation sessions. This helps identify which features or improvements should be given the highest priority.

5. Documentation: Document all requirements, ideas, and decisions made during the workshop. This documentation will serve as a reference throughout the project. Capture requirements in a format that is easy to manage, such as user stories, use cases, or feature descriptions.

5. Follow-Up: After the workshop, share the workshop outcomes and documentation with all participants for validation and feedback. Continue to involve stakeholders and end-users in the development process through regular updates and feedback sessions.

6. Iterate: As the project progresses, revisit and update the requirements as needed. User research is an ongoing process, and new insights may emerge.

Know about - Contextual Interview

What is Usability Testing

Irrespective of how it carries out the testing, one will need to go through these five phases with Users:

1. Prepare your product or design to test
2. Find your participants
3. Write a test plan
4. Take on the role of moderator
5. Present your findings


Prepare the Design or Product to test

Find your participants

Write a test Plan

Take on the Role of Moderator

Present your findings

Stakeholder Interview



Expert Review

Global and Cross-Cultural Research Techniques

Power Distance (PDI)

Individualism VS Collectivist

Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI)

Long-Term versus Short-Term Orientation (LTO)

Some Other Research Methods

Task Analysis


Surveys and Questionnaires

Card Sorts


Tree Test


A/B Tests




User Persona

Reporting on User Research

Reporting on user research is a critical step in the user-centered design process. Effective reporting ensures that the insights and findings from your research are communicated clearly and are actionable for the design and development teams. There are various types of deliverables—from no deliverable at all to a full report. It is highly advisable that to choose a deliverable that allows to share the research findings and recommendations in the available time frame and considers the needs of the audience.

No Deliverable ~

Quick Findings ~

Detailed Reports ~

Presentations ~

Findings and Recommendations Matrix ~

Final Summary

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Written by:Parita Dey

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