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asLiveData -The Terminal Operator

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Terminal Operator

Flow provides terminal operators that initiate the collection of elements from a flow and execute an action or return a result asynchronously.

Explaining asLiveData()

asLiveData() as Terminal Operator

As per the details mentioned above about Terminal operator, asLiveData() also initiate the collection of elements from a flow and return result asynchronously.

To use asLiveData() in Android Project


class FlowUseCaseViewModel(stockPriceDataSource: StockPriceDataSource) {
    val currentPriceLiveData : LiveData<UiState> = {stockList->
            UiState.Success(stockList) as UiState
            Timber.tag("Flow").d("Flow has completed")

Green Flag about asLiveData()

import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.asLiveData
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val flow = flow {
        for (i in 1..5) {
            delay(1000) // Simulate asynchronous work

    val liveData: LiveData<Int> = flow.asLiveData(Dispatchers.IO)

    liveData.observeForever { value ->
        println("Received: $value")

    delay(6000) // Wait for the flow to complete

In this example :

Some Important points to remember

  1. If the LiveData instance is not properly removed or observed, it might lead to unintended and prolonged subscriptions, affecting the lifecycle of the associated components.
  2. It may not work as seamlessly with MutableStateFlow instances.
  3. State flows are designed to be mutable and updated, and using asLiveData with them might not capture the mutability aspects accurately.


Happy Learning !!!

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Written by:Parita Dey

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